Is a Coach right for you?
Seven key questions to ask before choosing an Executive, Business or Career Coach.
Are you thinking about hiring an executive, business or career coach? Whatever has brought you to this place, here are seven things that you should consider before spending your time and money.
Key questions to ask if you need a coach.
1. Is coaching right for you?
The role of a coach is to help you move towards a desired future. While there is often an element of looking at your history to understand what might be holding you back, coaching is future focused and not primarily concerned with resolving existing issues. If this is your need, there are many different types of mental health practioners that will be more useful than a coach.
2. Are you prepared to put in the time?
Coaching requires commitment. That commitment can vary on your needs and circumstances but remember that your commitment is not only time with your coach but also reflection time, planning time and agreed assignments.
3. Are you prepared to pay enough money to make you think twice before committing?
Coaching is an investment in yourself. You are improving you, and you are an asset, not an expense.
4. Do you have a goal or purpose in mind for your coaching?
Coaching is future focused and for it to work, you need a goal. Don’t worry if it’s not crystal clear – your coach can help you with that – but you need a starting point.
5. Are you willing to have a conversation that might make you feel uncomfortably challenged?
If it was easy, you wouldn’t be looking for a coach but reading it on Google. Good coaches will challenge you, ask awkward questions and generally make you think about why you do what you have always done.
6. Do you know what type of coach you want?
Before you start to think about your coach, do a little research and ask yourself some key questions.
a) Do you want your coach to have certain skills and experiences?
b) How experienced do you want your coach to be?
c) What mindset and values do you want your coach to have?
d) Do you want assurances?
7. Are you prepared to connect with your coach?
This is a key question as there is the potential for a range of personal topics to be discussed with your coach – from work to relationships and family to personal values and beliefs. For you to gain the greatest benefit from your coaching experience, you need to be prepared to trust your coach. While this will take time to develop, you firstly need to be open to this happening, and know where your boundaries are.
Studies have suggested that a coach could increase the chances of achieving your goals by up to 75%. A great coach will provide you with the space to reflect, to explore options in a non-judgmental manner, develop your existing skills and knowledge, and practice new ones to be successful and make the changes that you need to make. But before embarking on your search for a great coach, make sure that you’re in the right space to maximise the benefit of the whole coaching experience.
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